Tuesday 17 April 2018

Jennifer Lawrence's rise to stardom-What do the stars have to say!

Jennifer Lawrence was born on the 15th of August 1990 in Louisville, Kentucky.

A look at her horoscope reveals she has Scorpio ascendant with Rahu posited in the 3rd house.Mars and moon are present in the houses of Aries and Taurus respectively.Sun,Jupiter,Venus and Ketu are present in the house of Cancer with Mercury in the tenth house of Leo.

When we look at her Vimshottari dasa periods,it is clearly indicated that she started her Jupiter mahadasa period in 2013.It is the same year she won her Academy award for Silver Linings Playbook.Jupiter being her Raj Yoga Karaka promises success throughout its Mahadasa.It is also to be noted that Moon,Mars and Jupiter are either exalted or in their own houses, making this a strong horoscope.

As we look at the Gochara for Taurus moon sign, Ketu is present in the ninth house signifying some unfortunate events in the next one year.As Jupiter transits to the house of Scorpio,there is a possibility of marriage after the month of October 2018.It will continue for one year.

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