Tuesday 21 March 2017

Analysis of Donald Trump's Vedic Horoscope

Donald Trump has Leo Lagna with Mars positioned in it.Jupiter is present in the second house and it's Mahadasa is also running presently.He has Scorpio Rashi with exalted Ketu posited along with Moon.Sun and Rahu are positioned in the 10th House and Mercury in the 11th House.Saturn and Venus are conjunct in the 12th house of Cancer.
The presence of Raj Yog Karaka Mars in the lagna makes the native fortunate and affluent in life.As he is presently running in the Jupiter Mahadasa, Jupiter being the 5th house lord provides him with unexpected success.It is also to be noted that Jupiter is the lord of the Malefic 8th house and can provide illnesses or even death.Presently he seems to be running in an auspicious Dasha,though the transit of Rahu and Ketu from his natal Moon in August will bring some testing times for him 18 months after the transit.As the lord of the 5th house Jupiter blesses him with good relationship with his children.Sun with Rahu in a horoscope can make the native overconfident and sometimes arrogant.Mercury in the 11th house promises him a constant stream of wealth and good relationships with elder siblings (if present).Venus and Saturn in the house of Cancer make Mr. Trump prone to losses in their dasa periods.In a nutshell,Donald Trump's horoscope is a good one but with some trying times ahead.

1 comment:

  1. The conclusion is self evident. Without the help of favorable planets, there's no way he could be in his present position. What I like is your analysis of the planets in his natal chart, explaining his inexplicable success!
